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Melissa has over 10 years of faciliation and workshop experience. Her style of using humour, multimedia and interactive activities during her workshops ensure that participants are reaching the required outcomes.  


Melissa has extensive experience presenting half day, full day and 2-day workshops to high school students, university students and work-places.    


Building an effective engagement strategy for young men 


This interactive workshop will offer practical steps for attendees to develop a unique strategy to engage at-risk and disadvantaged young males within their communities. This workshop will also help attendees to understand the challenges that young males face in health, education and general community setting. Melissa will ensure that this workshop is customized to directly address the real-time barriers that stand in the way of service providers and parents with their young men.  


7 Steps for becoming youth leaders today 


This workshop is best suited for high school and university students who are aspiring leaders or in a first-time leadership role. Incorporating 7 of the most effective steps Melissa used in her journey to becoming a leader, this workshop will give participants 7 practical strategies to define their leadership style, increase their leadership capacity and boost their confidence. Participants can be expected to leave with an action plan ready to implement.  


The realities of being a youth change-agent 


Being a young leader has its perks, but definitely has its challenges. And Melissa has experienced enough challenges to know how hard leadership is. This workshop is best suited for aspiring youth leaders who already have experience in leadership but want to take it to the next level. Melissa will assist participants to understand their own leadership journeys, their desired destinations and develop strategies to overcome the challenges that stand in the way.  


Public speaking for Young People 


Public speaking. Yuck. But public speaking is also an essential skill in communicating your vision and message to others. Having now spoken to over 7,000 across her speaking career, Melissa has dedicated hours to building her confidence and speaking skills. In this super interactive (there’s no part that isn’t interactive), Melissa will help young people build confidence, design daring and bold presentations as well as give practical tips and actions to becoming a confident and memorable speaker.  






  My Speakers Kit  


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